appear on stage的相关图片

appear on stage

下面围绕“appear on stage”主题解决网友的困惑

请问英语高手:appear on & appear in 有什么不一样

意思是一样的,只是看你appear在什么地方了。比如你想说是“出现在...之上”,就用appear on,如:He appears on the stage.如果你要说"在...里出现",就用appear ...


一、appear的含义是:进入视野;出现;显现;看上去;留下…的印象;产生;体现;问世;开始被使用;出版 二、短语搭配:appear to be好像是;仿佛;显示为 appear...

appear to do是什么意思

appear to do的意思是:似乎做; 可能做 例句:They appear to do everything in a rush, with an eye on the clock...

She often appears on the stage as a young girl.s

作者用了on the stage, 就是告诉读者,这个"舞台"是特定的。as在本句中作介词用,意思是"作为",as a young girl 是...


1.appear to be 好像是;仿佛;显示为 2.appear at 出现在;显示在;出庭 3.appear on the stage 登台演出 4.appear...

appear 有哪些短语

New programmes will appear in the fall on television.秋季将有新节目在电视上出现。5、appear on 读音:英 [əˈpɪə(r) ɒn] 美 [<...

appear to do 什么意思

appear to do的意思是:似乎做; 可能做 例句:They appear to do everything in a rush, with an eye on the clock.他们看上去做每件事都匆匆忙忙,眼睛盯着时钟...

She often appears On the stage as A young girl

often经常 常与一般现在时连用 主语She是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词appear要加s

She often appears on the stage as a young girl

the stage做壮语as a young girl也是壮语 这句话为了强调on the stage所以将它插在了中间 appears as a young girl本应连一起 She often appears 已经构成了一句话...


appear 释义: vi. 出现;出版;显得;好像;登场 读音:英 [ə'pɪə(r)] 美 [ə'pɪr]单词变形:1、过去式: appeared 2、过去分词: appear...

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