communication with sb的相关图片

communication with sb

下面围绕“communication with sb”主题解决网友的困惑

commucation with sb 造句

1.Communication with others is what we all want. We want a sense of connectedness.我们都希望和他人沟通,我们都需要一种相互关联的感觉。2.The only mechani...

communicate with sb,与talk with somebody的区别?

"Communicate with somebody" 更加正式和抽象,通常指的是通过各种方式与某人进行交流,包括口头、书面、非语言等多种形式。这个词组强调的是信息传递和理解的过程...

Communication with sb和 Communicate to sb.有什么

Communication with sb和 Communicate to sb.向某人与某人沟通---交流。

英语中存在have a communication with sb的说法吗?


有没有have communication with sb. 这种说法?

可以这样用,但是communication的意思不再是“沟通”,而要翻译成“联系”。例如:Yes, I have communication with Tom.是的,我和汤姆有联系。

用communication with sb 造句简单点

we should have more communications with our parents我们需要与家长多沟通

有have a communication with吗

有的。have communication with sb是与某人沟通,与某人交流的意思。例如:I hardly ever have communication with ...

造句communication. with. sb

I will creat a link to have a good communication with Alex.

英语中存在have a communication with sb的说法吗?

这个词本书做“交换信息”的意思是不可数的,前面不能加a。朗文上communication 全部用法如下:1 [uncountable]表示the process by which people exchange informa...

have much more communication with sb什么意思啥意


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